How slack am I this year! It has been quiet a few weeks since I have updated our blog, thought it was about time I did something about it, so here goes.
We spent a lovely four nights at Lake Redbrook Holiday Retreat that is situated in an idyllic cane farm setting, just north of Childers. We enjoyed a wonderful peaceful time there soaking up the atmosphere around the lake, beautiful walks, lots of animals and bird life. Happy Hour around the campfire with Gazza supplying yummy eats. We made the most of having a relaxing time there as our next port of call was Tannum Sands where family make the most of having us there, looking after grandkids, cooking and helping out around the house.
A phone call from Tannum “ will you be available Friday to do school drop off and pick up?” We hadn’t planned to get there until Friday, so we said ok we will arrived Thursday. Driving up The Bruce Hwy on the Thursday another phone call “what time are you arriving? Can you do school pick up?” Yes, will need a map of the school so we can find the classroom! Not only was it pick up but also had to have Archie at swimming lessons 30 minutes drive away, so it was all go straight up as soon as we arrived. Things didn’t get much better over the next couple of weeks a very busy life is led by our Queensland family.
Leaving Tannum Sands we back tracked south to Burrum Heads where we have a regular booking for three weeks. It was so nice to be settled there with our friends Maree and Brian, this year we were missing Christina and Eddie who stayed home in Tassie for family reasons. Hopefully all our group will be back on deck next year. We get asked what do you find to do when you spend time in one place, it is really not hard to do nothing! Burrum Heads is 30 minutes north of Hervey Bay so when you need a little retail therapy it is not too far to go into Hervey Bay or down to Maryborough. We find the time flies by each day by the time you have a chat to others in the park, go for a walk I also do quiet a bit of reading, thank goodness I have joined the library and download books to read as it was costing me a fortune buying them through Amazon.
Our next stop Bargara Beach for six weeks, we have now been here for five weeks and on count down now to the time to move on next week, where has that time gone?.There is always something happening around the park sometimes it gets a little hectic as we now know quiet a few regulars, also we have friends that stop in at the park to catch up as they travel north or south. The great thing about Bargara is the beautiful coastal track for walking or riding the bikes we find that we hardly use the Pajero while we are here as the township and supermarkets are all within walking or riding distance. The water temperature has been around the 20 degree mark so have enjoyed a number of swims unfortunately haven’t been able to get the old Baz in this year. We have managed to get in a few games of bowls since being here, was getting a little disappointed as always seemed to loose our games in the last end, finally had a win last week winning by just one shot.
While at Bargara we travelled down to Brisbane by train with our friends Cheryl and Greg to see the Fleetwood Mac concert, loved the concert, was a little worried when Mick Fleetwood was doing his drum solo that he maybe overdoing it a bit! We stayed at the Spire Residence which had this amazing infinity pool on the rooftop, made your bits tingle looking out at the view below. We also went to the Eat Street Markets a bustling market scene and was amazed how the stalls are fitted into old shipping containers, there is something for everyone with the 180 dining and entertainment stalls. Too many choices, luckily we were told to go there hungry.
Lake Redbrook |
Lake Redbrook |
Old cart Lake Redbrook |
Happy Hour fire Lake Redbrrok |
Sunset Lake Redbrook |
Baz resting up after a walk around the Lake
Baz and Archie enjoying time out in the boat |
Jase and Archie at Yellow Patch Gladstone |
Neat and Archie at Yellow Patch Gladstone |
Container Ship Gladstone Harbour |
Livie |
Archie |
Sunset Burum Heads |
Christmas in July Burrum Heads |
Happy hour Burrum Heads |
Burrum Heads sunset |
Christmas in July Bargara Beach |
Out riding Bargara Beach |
Day out at Agnes Waters with family and friends |
Gin tasting Kalkie Moon Bundaburg |
Winter friends at Bargara |
Photo shoot for Vintage Car Festival Bargara |
Eat Street Markets Brisbane |
Looks like I have been waiting a long time! |
Baz enjoying himself |
Story Bridge Brisbane |
Infinity pool Spire Residence |
Enjoying the view |
Fleetwood Mac Concert |
Baz, Greg and Cheryl Brisbane |
Father's Day Breakfast Bargara |
Father's Day Lunch Bargara |