We arrived at Bargara Beach around lunch time Thursday after a stop at the Bundaburg Botanical Gardens Cafe for a drink and to share a Vanilla Slice. We were looking forward to catching up with our neighbours Sue & Mike as we knew they would be there when we arrived. Unfortunately they had news that Mikes father was unwell and were leaving the next day to get back to Tassie quickly, we did get to enjoy a lovely evening with them at a local restaurant and hope they are travelling safe and things are OK at home.
Yesterday we again said our goodbyes to Dennis and Lynn , who are now making a big effort to head south to catch that boat, no more stalking !
A very large happy hour was held last night up near Helen & Vince's caravan with everyone taking a plate and they even had a fire ! Not the done thing usually in the park, but Vince had found a Webber on the side of the road and sat the base on some rocks and turned it into a fire pot. There were even a few of the permanents there that are friendly with that group of regulars to the park. With some easy listening music supplied by Rob and Disco Laser lights in the trees a very enjoyable evening was had by all.
Tomorrow it is off to the hairdresser for a much needed trim (haircut) feeling very woolly!
I am reading Fifty Shades of Grey on my Kindle did not realise it was such a hot sexy book and was telling some guy today that I was really enjoying reading it, am now a little embarrassed as at that stage had not read the chapter which is very detailed! Must finish this blog now so I can get back to the book.
Bargara Beach