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Thursday, July 9, 2015

Burrum Heads

Friday we arrived at Burrum Heads which is only 270 klms south of Gladstone and 20 minutes from Hervey Bay. Maree, Brian, Eddie and Christina were already here and it didn't take us long to settle in to enjoying their company and Happy Hours. Saturday night was the Parks Christmas in July which was well attended by the majority of the park patrons, lots of fun was had especially when Santa & his little helper arrived.

Monday found me at the hairdresser, Denise's Clip Joint for the much needed colour and cut. Baz can no longer tell me I have a Skunk's trail ( regrowth in other words)! Was a little shocked when I saw how much hair was on the floor, probably my fault, did say it needed thinning out badly.

Tuesday Maree, Christina & myself caught the bus into Hervey Bay for a little retail therapy, of course we found lots of sale items. Baz, Brian & Eddie were very happy with the amount we had saved them, only problem, we had to do a reorganisation in the vans to find room for the purchases.

Today it was off down to Maryborough to the Thursday Market where we buy lovely fresh fruit & veg. So happy to see the popcorn stall as have been waiting a whole year to indulge in the best popcorn I have tasted, don't usually like it that much. We retuned to Burrum  after visiting the supermarket in Hervey Bay to get some much needed supplies. We enjoyed a nice feed of Brim tonight that Kevin caught and was kind enough to share with us, once again Baz is not very good at hunting & gathering!

The weather this week has been very pleasant with daily average 22 degrees but the nights have been a little chilly dropping to around 12 degrees. Looks like next week we will be even colder at night they are forecasting temps as low as 4 degrees over night! Yuk nearly as bad as home!

House Rules Queenslander prize house

Making out I had the key to the door!

Christmas in July Burrum Heads

Getting into the spirit of the ngiht

Happy hour Burrum Heads waiting for the sunset

Didn't disappoint lovely sunset

Wednesday, July 8, 2015


Whew! What a busy 10 days in Gladstone, looking forward to returning to the Grandparents holiday!

It was good to be able to help Jason and Anita out with a little child minding so they were able to get out and about easier without having the distraction of little children while they went about their business.They managed to find a suitable second vehicle and also a nice house to rent in closer proximity to the City of Gladstone, shops, Gym, schools and work.

Since the mining boom Gladstone has certainly gone ahead with large shopping centres and residential areas and it's multi-commodity port being the largest in Queensland. We took a coffee cruise on the harbour which was aboard the Curtis Endevour 2 a vehicular ferry used for crossings to Curtis Island, I was sure it was to be on the Riverside Mandalay must have been dreaming!(wishful thinking) The cruise was very informative and a real eye opener of the workings of the port, which has major exports of coal, alumina, aluminium, cement products and liquid ammonia. Coal makes up 70% of the total exports from the port, each year 50 million tonnes of coal passes through Gladstone Port.

The weather was very settled while we were there around 24-25 daily and dropping by around 10 degrees of a night. It was great to wake up to lovely blue skies everyday.

The long awaited birthday finally arrived on the 2nd July, Olivia was given instructions to wake us in the morning so we could see her open her presents only she would not open any until Archie was awake and it would be the only morning that he slept in! Later in the day we went to the park in the Botanical Gardens to have her Birthday Party with Baz and I being Olivia's only party guests as she hasn't been in Gladstone long enough to make any special friends to invite. Olivia didn't mind and told me the best part of her birthday was the party bags! Of course as party guests Baz and I were recipients of party bags.

All aboard for the "coffee cruise" it was like herding
 cattle onto a transport boat. 

This boat looks like it would be more
comfortable and maybe serve better coffee!

Loader where Jason works

Power Station

Lake Awoonga, Gladstone's water supply

Picnic hut Lake Awoonga

Jason's car arriving from WA

Birthday Girl