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Saturday, June 23, 2018

Theresa Creek Dam

We left Charters Towers and travelled down the Gregory Developmental Road towards Clermont, stopping for a fuel stop at Belyando, where the 9 metre wide load that we had previously been caught behind also pulled in for a break and fuel stop. We had intended having a longer break but thought we would get back on the road before they took off again, we didn't want to get caught following at a snails pace until they can pull over to let the vehicles through.

This is the fourth time we have camped at Theresa Creek Dam, it is always a very popular spot for a low cost stay. We counted between 60-70 campers each night with still plenty of room for more, we ended up there for 4 nights enjoying the peace and tranquillity with only the occasional generator humming in the background.

Traffic held up behind a 9 metre wide load
Up close to the mine truck that was being transported
on the Gregory Development Road

Sunset Theresa Creek Dam

Our campsite Theresa Creek Dam

Rainbow Lorikeet hoping for morning tea

Theresa Creek Dam

Out walking

Hoods Lagoon Clermont