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Thursday, August 8, 2013


It has been lovely being back in civilisation again after the four nights spent out at the Cape Range National Park, we do not regret spending our time there as it was superb and loved the snorkeling it was just so nice to be able to have nice long showers and our electronic devices to have reception. We have now been here at Exmouth for four nights had only planned to stay for two, but after a day spent washing, cleaning and restocking we realised we needed a little longer to take in the sights.

Maree & Brian were still in the park with us for a couple of days before they moved further south to Coral Bay. We enjoyed a couple of Happy Hours with them and also on their last day here going for a trip to see some very impressive Canyons along the Charles Knife Road, we were able to see the splendor from the car did not have to trek on foot only getting out to take a photo or two. Leaving the canyons behind it was then back up the road to take in the view from the Vlamingh Head Lighthouse of breaking waters along the reef and the surf coming in along the coast. In the distance we were able to make out numerous gas rigs and watch for whales breaching as they headed along the coast. Looking to the East we were able to see the tall communication towers at the Naval Communication Station that plays a vital role in the secure operation of the Australian submarine fleet.

The last couple of days we have spent the morning around the caravan park or visiting the small shopping centre and the afternoons have been spent at the beach where Bazza's  enthusiasm for the beach has been revived with the sighting of a couple of white pointers!

Last night we tidied ourselves up and walked the short distance to Pinocchio's Italian Restaurant, the meal was delicious and the homemade gelato even better. We enjoyed the  Ferrero Rocher Gelato so much that once the washing up was done tonight we again walked to the restaurant to indulge. Bazz had the Tim Tam Gelato and I could not resist the Ferrero Rocher again, wishing I had room in my freezer to buy a litre!

Tomorrow we leave Exmouth and travel 155klm to Coral Bay, we have booked into the Bayview Caravan Park for a week. The snorkeling is supposed to be amazing  in Bill's Bay which is just a short walk from the caravan park.
Canyons along Charles Knife Road Exmouth

Maree,Brian & Bazz at Bundegi Beach Exmouth

At Vlamingh Head Lighthouse
View from Lighthouse looking towards the
Aust.Navey Communicaton Station in the distance

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Cape Range National Park Exmouth

This is now our fourth night in at Cape Range National Park and I have been unable to post this blog at the time of writing as we have not had any internet, mobile phone, tv, power or access to water only what we have brought in with us, until we get back into Exmouth tomorrow.  Our first night here we spent at the Yardie Creek Campsite, we had a beautiful vista from the van overlooking the sand dunes and out to the Ingaloo Reef, unfortunately we could only stay there the one night as the site was book from the following day. Our camp host was able to get us a transfer to Lakeside Campsite, the site is a hundred metres from the beach and you only have to walk 500 metres along the beach to the most magnificent snorkelling reef. Hopefully Bazz will come for a snorkel today as he has been quiet happy to sit on the beach while I have been enjoying the wonders of the marine life. We have been lucky enough to see pods of dolphins, turtles, whales and I have seen many species of tropical fish. We have been very lucky to have been able to spend this time here as the area is very popular and is booked months in advance there are five campsites that can be pre booked and four that you can stay for up to 28 days and you just have to be there at the right time when someone moves out.  We would have not had a chance in the school holidays even getting in for a night we heard that they were lined up at the rangers  gate from early hours of the morning. We would have had to come in for day trips to be able to enjoy the beach & reef each day, being  here is like being on a tropical island the water is such a turquoise blue and so very clear with beautiful  pristine sand, we are loving it.

Bazz has taken to reading my Kindle, lucky that I have had some light reading to keep me going or we may have been fighting over it. This has been a very good time to sit and read and enjoy the very quiet evenings listening to the sounds of the wind & sea.  When we leave here we are booked in at the Exmouth Cape Holiday Park where we will again catch up with Maree & Brian who we last saw booking in at the caravan park four days ago with their friends, hopefully they have been able to catch some fish.

Yeah finally got Bazz in the water for a snorkel !!!!
Campsite Yardie Creek

Yardie Creek Gorge

Yardie Creek 

Beach at Yardie Creek

Lakeside Beach
Lakeside Beach

Lakeside Beach
Lakeside Beach 

Bazza finally got wet!