Once again time to catch up with our family that lives at Tannum Sands. We spent just over two weeks there and this year we made an effort and went around to the local bowls club at Boyne Island, where we were made to feel very welcome and enjoyed a couple of good days of socials bowls. Didn't manage to win any games but was successful with the raffles with winning vouchers for the bar and a bottle of wine.
We enjoyed a couple of lovely meals at Familia Restaurant in Gladstone that has exceptional Italian food, a picnic at Awoonga Dam, a day trip to Agnes Waters a visit to the Maritime Museum Gladstone also seeing the grandkids play their relative sports of netball & soccer. Life at Tannum is always very busy with school, work, gym and all the after school activities takes a bit to keep up with it all.
Baz had a medical episode while we were there with a couple of trips into the Gladstone Hospital. He was laying on the bed doing some leg lifts when everything started to spin, then he had loss of balance all this was a little scary as he was sweating profusely, was cold & clammy to touch. A call to our daughter in law had me ringing the ambulance and he was taken into the hospital. He was later discharged as all neurological tests were good, no problems with his ECG and bloods, I suppose it was one way of getting out of looking after the grandkids and a trip to the cinema to see the Minions. Two nights later at 3am he had another episode, this time I took him by car into hospital as he said he wasn't keen on the ambulance ride as a rough ride in the back. This time wasn't as severe after enquiring could it be vertigo the doctor thaught maybe that was it and gave him some tablets to help with his balance, all seems to have settled down now.
A very spoilt Thor |
Me enjoying some sunshine by the pool |
Yellow belly green treesnake |
Baz with the grandkids Archie and Liv |
Friendly magpie Awoonga Dam |
Picnic huts Awoonga Dam |
Awoonga Dam |
Maritime Museum Gladstone |
Day out at Agnes Waters |
Paper Bark forest Agnes Waters |
Jason, Anita, Olivia & Archer

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