Our three weeks at Burrum Heads certainly flew by much too fast! We celebrated Brian's Birthday with a trip out to Bamboo Land at Torbanlea a nursery that specialise in tropical gardens. We spent the morning exploring their extensive gardens which displayed all the species of bamboo & ginger before going to the pub for his Happy Birthday lunch.
Baz spent many a hour daily, fishing from the river bank at Burrum without any luck! He was given lots of advice from seasoned fishermen who were able to catch nice size Bream right beside him, he spent so much money on bait & hooks it would have been better to just go buy a good feed. The day before we left we thought his luck had changed only for him to pull up a empty crab body. It was rather funny as we were all cheering and clapping exited that finally he had caught a fish, only to crack up when we saw what was on his line.
Last Friday we said farewell to Maree, Brian, Christina & Eddie and headed to another of our favourite destinations Bargara Beach 20 minutes from Bundaburg. We arrived by 11am and settled in for the next three weeks. It was rather nice that a few acquaintances that we had met on previous stays came over to welcome us back, so it was not long before we were up to date on the happenings in the park.
The Bundaburg RSL has taken over the Bargara Bowls Club and we have joined as life members for $1, this entitles us to discounted drinks and also half price meals on Wednesday nights. Last Wednesday night we had a table of 18 and still some of the regulars missed out on a seat, next week we have booked two tables to accommodate our group of Grey Nomads.
Today we have been here a week already! Baz & I have been helping the economy with our visit to the local dentist, so far we are out of pocket $800 and we still need to go back for more dental work. Baz needs a root filling which will not be covered by our health insurance as he had a crown and that has taken him to his limit, pity it does not come under general dental as there is no limit.
Last weekend we went to the Childers Festival, as the Main Street is used for all the stalls and stages the traffic on the Bruce Hwy is diverted around the town for the festival, much to the annoyance of the truckies, we heard them grumbling &cursing on the UHF. There were over 400 stalls and five stages with non-stop multicultural entertainment Baz & I ended up very hot & sweaty as we mingled in the crowds needed to drop into the pub for a lovely cold shandy!
Today Carlene & Rex come up from Hervey Bay for the day, it was great catching up with them again as it has been a couple of weeks since we had lunch with them at Maryborough. Before they arrived Baz and I had a quick trip on the bikes to the bakery to buy something nice to have with coffee. After soaking up some of the lovely sunshine we all walked the 2klms to the township of Bargara where we enjoyed a lovely lunch.
Another beautiful sunset at Burrum Heads |
Burrum Heads |
Tree carving Bamboo Land |
Bamboo Land Nursery |
Parklands at Bamboo Land |
Birthday Boy with his good mates |
Fish finding expedition |
Baz proudly displaying his big catch! |
Childers Festival |
Lunch with Carlene & Rex at Bargara Beach |