The trip from Carnarvon to Denham is endless flat scrub a very boring drive for about four hours, with only a roadhouse to break the journey along the way. About 90klms from Denham we stopped at Hamelin Pool Marine and Nature reserve where we were able to view the Stromatolites they are the largest and oldest living fossils that dot the shore in rocky lumps and are around 3,000 years old. There is a very good boardwalk which allows visitors to get a good view of these extraordinary formations.
We had booked the Seaside Tourist Park in Denham and were only able to get into the overflow area for the two nights that we required, $34 p/n for no power or water. Denham is a very popular seaside town with holiday makers from southern WA, overseas tourists and of course all of us grey nomads and is only 25klms from Monkey Mia which is world famous for it's Dolphin feeding.
We were told it is best to go out to Monkey Mia early morning as more Dolphin's come to the early feeding. Today I finally saw a sunrise! I usually try to keep my eyes closed to well after sunrise and then Baz will bring me my breakfast, but not today. We arrived at the beach around 7.45am and the weather was rather chilly and a brisk breeze blowing, but of course you ignore these discomforts as you wait in the shallow water along with a hundred other hopefuls for your first glimpse of a Dolphin. Finally the Dolphin's arrive but of course you are not one of the lucky ones picked to offer them a fish, but to be in the water just metres from them is still all worth the early rise and the little bit of discomfort from the brisk morning temperature. It was great to pop into the Resort after the feeding to enjoying a lovely HOT buffet breakfast, we made sure we beat the crowd.
Hamelin Pool Broadwalk |
Stromatolites |
Dolphin's arriving for the feeding |
A Pelican lives in hope for a spare fish |
Later in the day, wind blown and looking very tired from my early morning rise |
Hope Barry allowed you to sleep in the next morning and was on hand to provide a nice breakfast.