32 Degrees everyday since we arrived last Sunday, 23 or 24 degrees every night AC working overtime! During the day we have had a nice breeze but drops out early evening, would be nice to have the breeze of a night just to keep the air moving. Bazza thinks he is getting water logged as he has been going swimming with me in the pool every day, this is unusual for him, so it must be hot!
It has been a nice break here in Darwin, we have been feeling a bit guilty as we have not been running around doing all the tourist things, as when we were here in 2008 we covered all that we were interested in. Darwin is certainly a growing City plenty of building and new subdivisions happening. The tourist season is in full swing, most of the caravan parks are fully booked, especially from next week when the V8's will be in town. Often we have fellow campers that speak very little English, most hiring camper vans and are excited to be experiencing outback Australia. A few nights ago we had a Whiz-Bang van parked behind us, Bazza was up nice and early to empty our toilet cassette and was rewarded with a view of a naked young female (good body) appearing in the open doorway. No complaints that time, about having to empty the cassette!
Thursday we went for a drive out to Berry Springs Nature Park, which is a popular swimming and picnic area with several pools and a small waterfall that is fed by crystal clear spring water and surrounded by natural bush. I am always a bit wary when they have Crocodile signs displaying that there are no Salty's but there could be freshwater Crocks, if I was to see one I would certainly be walking on water!
Friday night we thought we would treat ourselves to an evening out, so spruced ourselves up and headed to the Bahn Thai for a meal, then afterwards thought we would check out the Skycity Casino. Unfortunately as Bazza was just about to enjoy his main course of Red Curry Duck, the waiter had a mishap with the drinks tray! Bazza ended up wearing the drinks, ending up with very wet shorts which put a dampener on the evening, it took all of his control to remain seated and to eat his meal. All they would offer us in compensation was to waive the drinks bill, a pity that we had only had Lemon Lime and Bitters!! Feeling a trifle sticky but shorts drying quickly in these temps, we still managed to check out the Casino. It blew our minds watching the hundreds of dollars that some gamblers pass over the tables and promptly loose, very few were lucky. Of course we lost our few dollars, no washing machine money from there.
Saturday found us off for some retail therapy at the Casuarina Shopping Centre making a quick stop at the Show Grounds where Billabong were having a clearance sale. New shorts for Bazz, then onto the Shopping Centre, where he found the RM Williams store & the Sun Glass Hut poor old me did not get a look in.
Saturday evening was spent here in the caravan park as Fats Thommo was back to entertain us with songs from the 70's & 80's it was a bit hard to take him seriously after earlier in the week when he conducted the Toad Races. Muggins me thought that I would have a bet and paid my $5 for #7 in the first race, only to find out that I had to actually handle the Toad and place him in the starting bucket. Yuk, Yuk!!! Once again my luck was not in, at least it did not come last.There has been some form of entertainment here in the park most nights, lucky for us we are just across from where it take place so do not have to move far or not at all.
Today is Sunday and our last day in Darwin, so it was an early rise this morning to get the washing done clean the van and pack up some of our gear ready to leave in the morning. I did check a couple of times during the day to make sure Bazz had not put the jacks up when I wasn't around, lucky for him they were still down. The Glenti Festival (Greek Festival) has been on this weekend along the Esplanade, hearing that there was a stall selling char grilled octopus, we battled the crowds to enjoy this delicacy, plus a Yiros and of course could not pass the Greek desserts. Feeling very over fed it was back to the park to enjoy our last afternoon lazing around the pool, only to see the newspaper headlines as I was making my way to the pool.
TEENS FACE 3M CROC AT BERRY SPRINGS, well it was back to the van to get Bazz to go and buy the newspaper! Just glad we are still alive to read about it, may not have had the chance to walk on that water. The springs are now closed until they catch the
SALTY that was sighted yesterday, looks like swimming holes are now out in the NT even if they have signs that it is safe to swim! Finally got my swim in at the pool, not before checking, just in case there was another stray.
Me and my best friend #7 |
Someone forgot to tell them it was a Toad Race! |
Wave Pool Darwin waterfront |
Bazza Croc Bait Berry Springs |
Waterfall Berry Springs |
Hidden Valley Caravan Park :) |
Crowds at the Glenti Festival |
No caption required! This says it all! |
What an exciting and eventful week for Barry! I am even more amazed that the jacks were still down on Sunday - heat must be getting to him; or the view!!!
ReplyDeleteWas she a natural blonde Bazz?